Posts by Erwin Richard

    Can be downloaded from the file base.

    Supported Environments

    Octoscan2 Scanner Windows Server 2003, Windows XP or newer (32 and 64bit)
    (no change between 1.9.3 and 1.9.4)
    Database SQL Server 2012 R2 or newer.
    OctoSAM Server Components .net Framework 4.6.2 64 bit required
    OctoSAM GUI .net Framework 4.6.2. 64 bit required

    New Features

    • Repackaging information can now be collected per installation. For sites that tag software installations with special entries in the uninstaller registry, this information can now be collected per installation. This allows to locate installations that were not made using the official packages.
    • MAC address is now available directly in the machine object for Windows, Mac and ESX. In previous versions it was complicated to get the 'active at scan time' MAC address in the inventory for systems with multiple network adapters. Now the MAC address is reported by the scanners.
    • License manager server housekeeping has been improved
    • Powershell modules are now installed in the program folder and maintained with the .MSI. Placing the shell modules in the program folder protects them from unintentional modification and allows automatic update of the modules via .MSI installation.
    • VMWare ESX Scanner now supports PowerCLI 6.5 (Modules instead of Snapins)

    Removed Functionality

    • NetInstall Scanning has been removed from Octoscan2

    Update Instructions

    • Check your custom Queries/Reports for Changes in the Data Model that are not backward compatible:


      have been removed. Use Columns in MachineSoftwareSignature instead.


      has been removed. Use SoftwareLicensingType.LicensingRelevant instead.
    • Check the changed prerequisites: SQL Server 2012 R2 is required, .net Framework 4.6.2 is required
    • Make a backup copy of the database
    • Migrate to schema version 1.9.4 from 1.9.3. See release notes of 1.9.3 if you migrate from earlier versions.
    • Deploy the new Version of Octosocan2.exe to your environment .scan files are compatible with versions 1.8.16 or newer of the import Service
    • Stop OctoSAM services on the server
    • Make a backup copy of all configuration files
    • Run the .msi Installer
    • Merge the configuration settings with the new configuration template files.
      Be especially careful with the assembly binding redirect section of the configuration files. This section must exactly match the settings in the provided sample configuration files.
    • Update the software catalog from latest master file
    • Import Standard Queries and Reports from provided .zip file.
      Tests your custom queries with the new release.
    • Restart OctoSAM services
    • Update the VMWare vCenter scan start script - if used - according to sample provided in
    • Update the AD Group scan start script - if used - according to sample provided in

    Known Limitations

    • DPI scaling does sometimes not work over RDP sessions, depending on the version of the server, the RDP client and DPI settings on the server.
    • FlexLM Diag scan supports only first configured vendor daemon, expiry date and other data scanned from diag is not available for other vendor daemons on the same FlexLM Server.
    • Currently, the license manager statistics database does not allow more than 32767 issued licenses per server. Counts greater than that value will get truncated. "Unlimited" will also be converted to 32767
    • Group Settings Published Software Packages: Changes to the published Software Packages are immediately written to the database, cancel out of the dialog is ignored

    Release Version 1.9.3 can be downloaded from the filebase.

    Supported Environments

    (no change between 1.9.2 and 1.9.3)

    Windows Server 2003 SP1, Windows XP SP3 or newer (32 and 64bit)
    SQL Server 2012 R2 or newer
    .net Framework 4.6.1
    .net Framework 4.6.1. 64bit OS and minimum of 8GB RAM recommended

    New Features

    Master Catalog and Custom Packages

    Conflict handling between Master Catalog and custom packages has been modified in 1.9.3. If there are simple conflicts between package definitions in the Master Catalog and custom packages, custom packages always override the Master Catalog.

    If you want the master package back, delete the conflicting custom package. If a new custom package conflicts with an existing Master Catalog package, delete the master catalog package. The catalog update wizard has a new tab 'Custom' that shows all custom package that have potential conflicts with the Master Catalog.

    Octoscan2: Microsoft Visual Studio Detection

    Octoscan2 now uses the Microsoft documented methods to find out the installed edition of Visual Studio versions from 2010 to 2015.

    Visual Studio 2017 RC recognition if installed on standard paths. Special signatures msvs: are emitted by the scanner.

    Octoscan2: Status Window

    Cleaned up drawing of the debug/status window, eliminated excess flicker.

    Under Windows 10, the status window is now per Monitor DPI aware.

    Adobe Acrobat DC Editions

    Can now distinguish Pro / Standard Editions based on SWID Serial Number


    This utility program to override Octoscan2 configuration per machine is now a native program with no dependencies on .net.

    It supports the same platforms as the scanner Octoscan2.


    2 new Fields on Machine

    • PcSystemType
      New hardware type based on Win32_ComputerSystem.PCSystemType / PCSystemTypeEx that's easier to handle than 'ChassisTypes'.
    • ProcessorFamily


    Key elements from SWID Tag files are now available directly in the SwidDocument table. No more complex XML XPath code in Queries needed to access these values.

    Data Model

    Cleanup of data model and database documentation

    High DPI Support for the OctoSAM Inventory GUI

    Fonts are now scaled according to System DPI settings and are more crisp than when using Windows default scaling on high DPI devices.

    Note that when you have multiple Displays with different DPI settings, windows may still scale the GUI with slightly blurred fonts and icons, depending on the configuration.


    Overhauled queries for more consistent field names and tooltips on all columns.

    Tooltips are now also shown in the Column Chooser window.

    In developer mode, the query engine makes more checks to help detect coding errors such as typos etc in query definition.

    Custom Queries, Tasks and Reports Paths

    Paths to custom queries, tasks, and reports can now be configured per database in the ConfigurationInformation table in addition to

    configuration in the application configuration file (Octopus2.exe.config).

    WMI Codes

    Most WMI codes are now shown also in clear text

    Code Translation via Master Catalog

    Code translations are now stored in the database and can be updated via Global Catalog update.

    This makes code translations also available for Queries.

    Hard-coded translations in queries have been removed.


    Database connection can now be specified on the command line for scripting multiple databases

    New commands 'import repository' and 'import codes'

    Changed Functionality

    • Installation of a new software version of the import service now triggers a full housekeeping cycle with recalculation of all attributes. Previously that was only triggered by database schema update.
    • Logging of time information has been changed from milliseconds to 'rush format' showing the two most significant units.
      For example 1m 2s instead of 62000 ms.

    Removed Functionality

    • Display(Monitor) information via VESA for systems prior to Windows 7 is no longer supported. WmiMonitorID information is fully supported but not available on Windows XP.
    • Display(Monitor) information has been removed from machine reports as it has become largely irrelevant. WmiMonitorID information is still available in some Queries.
    • FlexLM user filtering feature has been removed
    • The AutoAssign view has been removed.
    • Database tables deprecated in earlier versions have ben removed
    • Office 2003 related queries have been removed

    Update Instructions:

    • Make a backup copy of the database
    • Migrate to schema version 1.9.3 from 1.9.2. See release notes of 1.9.2 SP1 if you migrate from earlier versions.
    • Deploy the new Version of Octosocan2.exe to your environment .scan files are compatible with versions 1.8.16 or newer of the import Service
    • Stop OctoSAM services on the server
    • Make a backup copy of all configuration files
    • Run the .msi Installer
    • Merge the configuration settings with the new configuration template files.
      Be especially careful with the assembly binding redirect section of the configuration files. This section must exactly match the settings in the provided sample configuration files.
    • Update the software catalog from latest master file
    • Import Standard Queries and Reports from provided .zip file.
      Tests your custom queries with the new release.
    • Restart OctoSAM services
    • Update the VMWare vCenter scanner if older than 1.9.2 (
    • Update the AD Group scanner if older than 1.9.2 (

    Known Limitations :

    • DPI scaling does sometimes not work over RDP sessions, depending on the version of the server, the RDP client and DPI settings on the server.
    • Printing of charts does not work on DPI Settings other than 100%
    • FlexLM Diag scan supports only first configured vendor daemon, expiry date and other data scanned from diag is not available for other vendor daemons on the same FlexLM Server.
    • Currently, the database does not allow more than 32767 issued licenses per server. Counts greater than that value will get truncated.
    • Group Settings Published Software Packages: Changes to the published Software Packages are immediately written to the database, cancel out of the dialog is ignore

    Das ist leider nicht so einfach möglich, da eine Maschine mehrere Netzwerkinterfaces und damit Mac Adressen hat. Es gibt extra Logik um auf dem Maschinenobjekt die IP Adresse zu hinterlegen die für die Kommunikation mit dem Firmennetzwerk verwendet wird.

    Um die Mac Adresse dieses interfaces ebenfalls im Maschinenobjekt hinterlegen zu können muss das DB Modell erweitert werden. Ich habe das als Pendenz aufgenommen (#527). Könnte in 1.9.4 realisiert werden.

    Mit einer Custom Query wäre es möglich, die notwendige Logik einzubauen um die Mac Adresse zur aktuellen Netzwerkadresse zu finden.

    Das möchten wir aber nicht in die Standard Query einbauen, da es eine erhebliche Verschlechterung der Performance der Query bedeuten würde.

    Die Query 'Machine Search by MAC Address' gibt eine Liste aller MAC Addressen und Maschinen aus.

    Lieben Gruss


    Verified with Windows 2012 R2 Domain Level and Servers (fully patched as of September 24, 2016).

    To scan servers in the system context, you can set up a scheduled task via GPO.

    Make sure that the GPO affects the desired servers only, and that software metering is not enabled for these scans.

    Metering should only be enabled on scans that run in an ordinary user context.

    If you need software metering or login history on servers, you have to additionally run the scanner in the user context, usually through logon GPO.

    Octoscan2 implements sensible default settings for server scans in system/administrator or regular user context.


    • Make sure that Group "Domain Computers" has read/execute access to the share where you published Octoscan2.exe (\\server\OctoSAM$\bin)
    • Make sure that Group "Domain Computers" has change access to the share where the .scan files are collected (\\server\OctoSAM$\data)

    Test Permissions From a Test Server

    Install PSTools from

    To start an interactive Console as system User:

    • Login with an Administrator Account
    • start cmd run as Administrator
    • psexec -i -s cmd.exe

    A new command window opens which runs as NT_AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. In this new command window start Octoscan2.exe from your network share with /show /keep Options:

    Verify that the .scan file gets written to the expected location and there are no ERROR messages in the Octoscan2 window.

    Do not continue if these prerequisite tests did not run properly!

    Configure GPO

    In the Group Policy Editor

    Set the desired triggers (once a day is recommended). Set a random delay.

    Save the GPO, allow to replicate or force replication

    On the test server run (as Administrator)

    gpudate /forced

    Verify in local task scheduler that the task has been created

    Interactively test the scheduled task (Context Menu Run ...)

    Hallo Stephan,

    Ein Script welches die Maschinen automatisch löscht gibt es bewusst nicht im Standardumfang des Produkts, da vor dem Löschen manuell kontrolliert werden sollte, ob die Ausgabe der Query Sinn macht. Die Kriterien für die Löschung von Maschinen sind von Kunde zu Kunde zu unterschiedlich.

    Hat man die Query ausgeführt und möchte alle dort ausgelisteten Maschinen nach Prüfung löschen, so kann man dies mittels Kontext Menü (Rechte Maustatse) -> Database -> Delete Visible erreichen. Dazu braucht man natürlich Schreibrechte auf der Datenbank.

    Das Grid kann ad-hoc noch gefiltert werden, wenn man nur nach bestimmten Zusatzkriterien löschen möchte (wie z.B. nur Server oder nur Laptops usw.). Delete Visible selektiert dann nur die noch sichtbaren Maschinen.

    Es gibt auch die Möglichkeit, im Grid eine oder mehrere Zeilen zu markieren und dann mit 'Delete Selected' nur diese Maschinen zu löschen.

    Mit dem Tool OctoUtil können Maschinen gescripted automatisch gelöscht werden.
    Dies kann sinnvoll sein, wenn der Kunde z.B. über einen automatisierten Workflow für das Decomissioning von Systemen verfügt.
    Ist dies der Fall sind wir gerne bei der Integration behilflich.

    Lieben Gruss

    Du meinst 0 (false)? Das Feld OperatingSystemServer kann aufgrund des DB Schema nicht NULL sein. Es kann nur die Werte 1 = WAHR oder 0 = FALSCH einnehmen.

    Im nächsten Build wird für macOS die OperatingSystemFamily auf 'OSX' gesetzt werden.
    In einem späteren Major Release wird die Family wohl mal von OSX nach macOS umbenannt werden müssen.

    Hingegen wird OperatingSystemServer für OSX und macOS immer 0 = FALSCH gesetzt werden. macOS Server / OS X Server wird als installiertes SoftwarePackage abgebildet..

    Lieben Gruss

    Ich habe eine Pendenz für die Zuordnung der macOS 10.* Signaturen zur Family OSX erfasst (#458). Das sollte in einem der nächsten Builds korrigiert sein.

    macOS Server ist, soweit ich das verstanden habe, keine eigene Betriebssystemvariante sondern eine "Applikation" die via App Store auf ein MacOS / OS X Betriebssystem installiert wird.
    Da müssen wir intern noch diskutieren, ob das OperatingSystemServer Flag gesetzt werden soll.

    Paketdefinition für mac:Server habe ich ebenfalls in Auftrag gegeben.

    Danke und Freundliche Grüsse

    Erwin Richard

    OctoSAM 1.9.2 SP1 is available for download in the file base.

    Supported Environments

    (no change from 1.9.2)

    Octoscan2 Scanner Windows Server 2003 SP1, Windows XP SP3 or newer (32 and 64bit)
    OctoSAM Database SQL Server 2012 R2 or newer.
    OctoSAM Server Components .net Framework 4.6.1
    OctoSAM GUI .net Framework 4.6.1. 64bit OS and minimum of 8GB RAM recommended

    New Features

    Database Maintenance / Housekeeping

    • All Database Maintenance and Housekeeping tasks have been moved to the Import Service. The database maintenance dialog has been removed and replaced by the Housekeeping Settings Dialog.
    • Housekeeping now automatically removes old Software Signatures that are no longer used.
    • Housekeeping in the import service supports compression and deletion of log files in a specified folder (see sample configuration file)

    Other Changes

    • SQL Server 2016 SP1 Scan
    • Updates to 3rd Party components
    • Stability Updates

    Update from 1.9.2:

    • No change in the database schema from 1.9.2
    • Stop OctoSAM services on the server
    • Make a backup copy of all configuration files
    • Run the .msi Installer
    • Merge the configuration settings with the new configuration template files. Special attention to the new houskeeping log4net configuration and settings.
    • Set housekeeping preference from the new version of the GUI (Setup -> Databse -> Import Service Housekeeping) before restarting the import service, Otherwise the first housekeeping will use default settings which may not be what you want.
    • Update the software catalog from latest master file
    • Import Queries and Reports from provided .zip file
      If you have custom queries, reports or tasks: Unzip the .zip File from the release and copy your custom files to the appropriate folder. Zip the folder structure again and import the new .zip file into the database.
      Using configuration file Query.Folder setting in Octopus2.exe.config is still supported.
    • Restart OctoSAM services

    Known Limitations :

    • FlexLM Diag scan supports only first configured vendor daemon, expiry date and other data scanned from diag is not available for other vendor daemons on the same FlexLM Server.
    • Currently, the database does not allow more than 32767 issued licenses per server. Counts greater than that value will get truncated.
    • Group Settings Published Software Packages: Changes to the published Software Packages are immediately written to the database, cancel out of the dialog is ignored

    OctoSAM 1.9.2 is available for download in the file base.

    Supported Environments
    (no change between 1.9.1 and 1.9.2)

    Octoscan2 Scanner Windows Server 2003 SP1, Windows XP SP3 or newer (32 and 64bit)
    OctoSAM Database SQL Server 2012 R2 or newer.
    OctoSAM Server Components .net Framework 4.6.1
    OctoSAM GUI .net Framework 4.6.1. 64bit OS and minimum of 8GB RAM recommended

    New Features

    Hyper-V Virtualization Scan
    Scan of Hyper-V hosts (Windows Server 2012 and newer) and guests (all supported Windows platforms).

    Virtual Machine Mobility (vCenter and Hyper-V)
    OctoSAM Inventory now keeps track of the virtual machine to host relations. This allows to identify virtual machines that change their hosts frequently and can help to answer license mobility questions.

    Software Publisher
    OctoSAM Inventory now supports and maintains a catalog of software publishers.
    Publishers defined by Octosoft can be assigned to signatures using regular expressions.
    Software package to publisher relations are either set based on the detected signatures or can be specified manually.
    Site specific software publishers can also be defined and assigned to packages.

    Software Publisher Auto Assign

    The software tree can now be grouped by publisher in addition to the default category grouping.

    Normalized software publisher information is available in many queries and reports.

    Junk Signatures
    The master catalog now contains rules to identify junk signatures. These signatures are per default not displayed if unassigned.
    Junk detection rules are per publisher.

    URL Columns in Grids
    Urls in grids do now render as hyperlinks that are directly clickable to open the web page.

    Search Context Menus and Buttons
    Allow direct search via Google with the selected value.

    ImportControl / ImportFolder / ImportStatistics
    ImportControl now keeps track of the import folder where a scan file was imported from. Table ImportStatistics has been removed.

    Service Refactoring
    All services now use a common framework for installation and basic operation. Installation now sets reasonable start type and recovery options automatically.

    Import Service
    The order of import file operations in case of multiple import folders has been optimized. The import service now reads information of all files from all folders before importing the files oldest first.
    New property 'title' (Personal Title) synchronized from Active Directory for User Objects.
    Housekeeping scripts can now be configured to cover many integration and transformation problems where OctoUtil or other external scripts had to be used in the past.
    Service installation now configures reasonable defaults for service recovery

    New program name OctopusAnonymizer. Now included in the .msi Server Components, including sample configuration files. This allows for automatic update of the program together with the other OctoSAM server components.
    New option to remove users and machines with non-standard names that may lead to strange results
    Multithreaded scan and update for large tables results in twice the throughput compared with older versions
    The anonymizer can now execute OctoUtil scripts. This allows for example to remove specific objects before or after anonymization.

    <!-- delete machine id 15 before anonymizer -->
    <script language="OctoUtil" run="before">
    delete machine 15

    Windows Server 2016 Support
    Windows Server 2016 is supported by the scanner and also as an installation platform for OctoSAM.

    New Windows 10 Variants
    Windows 10 Pro Education and Windows 10 Pro Education N are now detected, Windows 10 LTS Versions are properly detected.

    New SQL Server Variants
    Additional SQL Server variants are detected

    Improved GUI performance
    Improvements from careful tuning of database access code throughout the code.
    Improved drawing performance

    Update Instructions:

    • Make a backup copy of the database
    • Migrate to schema version 1.9.2 from 1.9.1. See release notes of 1.9.1 if you migrate from earlier versions.
    • Deploy the new Version of Octosocan2.exe to your environment
      .scan files are compatible with versions 1.8.11 or newer of the import Service
      Consider new setting ScanProductKeys to disable the product key scan. Default is enabled.
    • Stop OctoSAM services on the server
    • Make a backup copy of all configuration files
    • Run the .msi Installer
    • Merge the configuration settings with the new configuration template files.
      Be especially careful with the assembly binding redirect section of the configuration files. This section must exactly match the settings in the provided sample configuration files.
    • Update the software catalog from latest master file
    • Import Queries and Reports from provided .zip file
      If you have custom queries, reports or tasks: Unzip the .zip File from the release and copy your custom files to the appropriate folder. Zip the folder structure again and import the new .zip file into the database.
      Using configuration file Query.Folder setting in Octopus2.exe.config is still supported.
    • Restart OctoSAM services
    • Update the VMWare vCenter scanner if in use ( Note the new sample code in scan_vcenter.ps1
    • Update the AD Group scanner if in use ( Note the new sample code in scan_groups.ps1

    Known Limitations :

    • FlexLM Diag scan supports only first configured vendor daemon, expiry date and other data scanned from diag is not available for other vendor daemons on the same FlexLM Server.
    • Currently, the database does not allow more than 32767 issued licenses per server. Counts greater than that value will get truncated.
    • Group Settings Published Software Packages: Changes to the published Software Packages are immediately written to the database, cancel out of the dialog is ignored

    Das Büro wird üblicherweise im Attribut 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName' abgelegt. Dieses wird bereits synchronisiert.
    (OctoSAM: User.DirectoryPhysicalDeliveryOfficeName bzw. DirectoryMissingUser.PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName.

    Das Attribut physicalDeliveryOfficeName erscheint in manchen MS Produkten als 'Office'. Z.B. Powershell Set-ADUser command.

    Freundliche Grüsse
    Erwin Richard

    Guten Tag Herr Roth

    Generell ist eine solche Erweiterung durch den Kunden nicht vorgesehen. Wir haben bewusst darauf verzichtet, die Standardobjekte kundenspezifisch erweiterbar zu machen.
    Zusätzliche Standardattribute aus dem AD können jedoch durch uns zügig (in der Regel innert Wochen) integriert werden.

    In der Regel wird zuerst ein ReserveFeld (DirectoryExt1....) verwendet und bei der nächsten Release mit DB Schemaänderung ein neues Feld z.B. DirectoryJobTitle eingeführt.

    Alternativ können die Felder Custom1-Custom4 mit kundenspezifischen Inhalten belegt werden. Welche Attribute möchten Sie ausser JobTitle zusätzlich noch ins User Objekt abgleichen?

    Freundliche Grüsse
    Erwin Richard

    PS: Job Title (bzw. title) Attribut wird in Release 1.9.2 realisiert.

    OctoSAM 1.9.1 is available for download in the file base.

    Supported Environments:

    Octoscan2 Scanner Windows Server 2003 SP1, Windows XP SP3 or newer (32 and 64bit). Windows 2000 no longer suppoorted
    OctoSAM Database SQL Server 2012 R2 or newer. SQL Server 2016 is supported. SQL Server 2008 no longer supported
    OctoSAM Server Components .net Framework 4.6.1
    OctoSAM GUI .net Framework 4.6.1. 64bit OS and minimum of 8GB RAM recommended

    New Features:

    Microsoft User Access Logging (UAL) Support
    For server software that supports UAL, detailed client access data is collected in the database and accessible via the GUI and queries.

    GUI Performance Improvements
    Various performance improvements
    Junk Software is now filtered out in software trees, can optionally be displayed by selecting from the filter menu
    Computer Accounts are now filtered out in user trees, can optionally be displayed by selecting from the filter menu

    Machine Hardware & Configuration ad hoc Search
    The machine Hardware & Configuration tab now features an ad hoc search input similar to the tree controls for Machines, Users, Software.

    Chart Image Copy and Printing
    All charts now support copying of the image and printing via context menu and keyboard shortcuts

    Many new columns in queries (often hidden, use Column Chooser)

    New file format for packaged Telerik Reports (.trdp) is now supported

    Improved diagnostics logging messages and Stackify integration

    Group Scan
    2 new group types ADCLIENTSPECIFIC and ADGENERIC support import of groups that are of interest but do not have associated logic in OctoSAM.
    These groups and Members appear in the OctoSAM UI but have no impact on standard queries or licensing logic.Also you cannot configure published software packages for these groups.

    New Scanner Features
    Microsoft Cluster detection
    SQL Server 2016 detection
    Improvements for App-V scanning

    Changes and Enhancements:

    • Updated documentation
    • Updates to used 3rd party components
    • Stability updates

    Default Value Change in Octoscan2:

    Some of the newly scanned information for servers can only be read if the scanner runs with Administrator permissions. The default value for configuration parameter ScanHardwareInfo has been changed to false if on a server OS and the scan is not performed in Administrator security context. Make sure that servers are periodically scanned with Administrator permissions (possibly in addition to scans made in user context which may still make sense for metering or login scans). This makes sure that the information under "Hardware & Configuration" stays consistent over time. If you start the scanner interactively from the Desktop, use "Run as Administrator".

    Update Instructions:

    • Make a backup copy of the database
    • Migrate to schema version 1.9.1 from 1.8.16. See release notes of 1.8.16 if you migrate from earlier versions.
    • Deploy the new Version of Octosocan2.exe to your environment
      .scan files are compatible with versions 1.8.11 or newer of the import Service
      Consider new setting ScanProductKeys to disable the product key scan. Default is enabled.
    • Stop OctoSAM services on the server
    • Make a backup copy of all configuration files
    • If you had internal builds of 1.8.16 installed or if you are not updating from the latest 1.8.16 release build, it's recommended to:

      • Uninstall the existing OctoSAM Software
      • Check if the uninstall left any .dll files behind and if yes, manually delete these files
    • Run the .msi Installer
    • Merge the configuration settings with the new configuration template files. Note that client (GUI) installations usually do not need any configuration settings
    • Update the software catalog from latest master file
    • Import Queries and Reports from provided .zip file
      If you have custom queries, reports or tasks: Unzip the .zip File from the release and copy your custom files to the appropriate folder. Zip the folder structure again and import the new .zip file into the database.
      Using configuration file Query.Folder setting is still supported, but discouraged.
    • Restart OctoSAM services
    • Update the VMWare vCenter scanner if in use ( Note the new sample code in scan_vcenter.ps1
    • Update the AD Group scanner if in use ( Note the new sample code in scan_groups.ps1

    Known Limitations (will be fixed in further releases):

    • FlexLM Diag scan supports only first configured vendor daemon, expiry date and other data scanned from diag is not available for other vendor daemons on the same FlexLM Server.
    • Currently, the database does not allow more than 32767 issued licenses per server. Counts greater than that value will get truncated.
    • Group Settings Published Software Packages: Changes to the published Software Packages are immediately written to the database, cancel out of the dialog is ignored

    Es werden überall die standard .net Regular Expressions verwendet, ausser in der Scanner Konfiguration (octoscan.config) wo aus Gründen der Performanz nur ein Subset der Möglichkeiten unterstützt wird.

    Eine Möglichkeit Teilstrings auszuschliessen sind sog. negative lookaheads.

    Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference - .NET
    In this quick reference, learn to use regular expression patterns to match input text. A pattern has one or more character literals, operators, or constructs.
    Sprachelemente für reguläre Ausdrücke – Kurzübersicht - .NET
    In dieser kurz Referenz erfahren Sie, wie Sie Muster für reguläre Ausdrücke verwenden, um Eingabetext abzugleichen. Muster können aus einem oder mehreren…

    Ansonsten verweise ich auf die umfangreiche Fachliteratur.z.B.

    Mastering Regular Expressions: Understand Your Data and Be More Productive
    Regular expressions are an extremely powerful tool for manipulating text and data. They are now standard features in a wide range of languages and popular…

    und diverse Webseiten zum Thema. Für intensives Arbeiten mit Regexen in OctoSAM empfiehlt sich das Tool Regex Buddy ( Dieses kann über eine Schnitttstelle direkt in das OctoSAM GUI eingebunden werden.

    Lieben Gruss

    OctoSAM 1.8.16 is available for download in the file base.

    New Features:

    Database Repository for Queries, Reports and Site Tasks
    Queries, Reports and Site Task definitions can now be stored in the OctoSAM database. The Installer does no longer install any of these files on the client. This allows for more flexible configurations, database specific queries and easy updates of these definitions without having to roll out a new client.

    ESX Scanner
    The ESX Scanner has been updated to include site-specific annotations.
    Sample code for logging is provided in scan_vcenter.ps1. Please integrate with your site-specific code.

    Group Scanner
    The Group scanner now supports scanning of groups from other domains
    Sample code for logging is provided in scan_groups.ps1. Please integrate with your site-specific code.

    Mac Scanner
    Octoscan for Mac now reports domain information for Macs joined into an Active Directory domain

    Site Detection on Import
    Earlier versions use site information as reported by the client scanner exclusively. With 1.8.16, machine objects can be matched with the "Sites and Subnets" configuration of Active Directory on import. This allows systems such as ESX hosts or Macs to be matched with their site.

    Oracle Virtualbox and Parallels virtualization is now detected on Windows scans.

    Annotations and Extension Attributes
    A generic mechanism has been implemented to extend objects with site-specific fields. This is used for ESX scanner objects (Machine, Virtual Machine, Cluster, Datacenter) first.
    Extension Attributes is a mechanism to add site-specifc information via the GUI. Extension Attributes now also use the Annotation infrastructure.
    Annotations are visible in the Fields tab of any object. The query engine can reference Annotations in a generic way.

    VirtualMachine in OctoSAM Inventory GUI
    Virtual Machine Tab now shows all fields of the VirtualMachine object. VM specific annotations are also shown here.

    GUI Performance Improvements
    Various performance improvements - particularly in tree controls with many elements.

    Anonymizer Performance Improvements

    See extra post. Customization of client configuration files is no longer needed for simple installations.

    Changes and Enhancements:

    • Updated documentation
    • Updates to used 3rd party components
    • Stability updates

    Update Instructions:

    • Make a backup copy of the database
    • Migrate to schema version 1.8.16 from 1.8.15. See release notes of 1.8.15 if you migrate from earlier versions.
    • Deploy the new Version of Octosocan2.exe to your environment
      .scan files are compatible with versions 1.8.6 or newer of the import Service
      Consider new setting ScanProductKeys to disable the product key scan. Default is enabled.
    • Stop OctoSAM services on the server
    • Run the .msi Installer
    • Update the software catalog from latest master file
    • Import Queries and Reports from provided .zip file
      If you have custom queries, reports or tasks: Unzip the .zip File from the release and copy your custom files to the appropriate folder. Zip the folder structure again and import the new .zip file into the database.
      Using configuration file Query.Folder setting is still supported, but discouraged.
    • Restart OctoSAM services
    • Update the VMWare vCenter scanner if in use ( Note the new sample code in scan_vcenter.ps1
    • Update the AD Group scanner if in use ( Note the new sample code in scan_groups.ps1

    Known Limitations (will be fixed in further releases):

    • FlexLM Diag scan supports only first configured vendor daemon, expiry date and other data scanned from diag is not available for other vendor daemons on the same FlexLM Server.
    • Currently, the database does not allow more than 32767 issued licenses per server. Counts greater than that value will get truncated.
    • Group Settings Published Software Packages: Changes to the published Software Packages are immediately written to the database, cancel out of the dialog is ignored

    OctoSAM 1.8.15 is available for download in the filebase.

    New Features:

    Master Software Catalog
    The full master software catalog is now stored in the database. Packages are created as needed, if an incoming signature matches a package in the catalog.
    Redesigned signature auto assign engine with optimized usage of available CPU resources.
    A new flag can be set for packages that leave their SWID tag files on the system on uninstall (typical for Adobe products).

    Windows 10 detection, added detection of Windows Embedded 7 and 8.1 variants
    Improved Terminal Server information scanning on Citrix servers
    Product key scan for Microsoft operating systems and applications
    Windows OEM BIOS key scanning

    OctoSAM Inventory GUI
    Added tooltips to many grid column headers
    Added Keys tab to machine window to display scanned product keys
    LM Tree now allows filtering for customers with may License Servers
    Performance improvements

    Licensing Server Statistics
    Support for Sentinel RMS

    Central Logging to Stackify and Incomplete .scan File Analysis
    Log4Net appenders for logging to stackify have been added. See sample configuration files.
    Severity levels of some log entries were changed to no longer report an error on expected error conditions.
    The import service now reads incomplete .scan files and tries to analyze the problem. Expected XML problems due to partially written files no longer trigger an error.
    All remaining ERROR level messages in the log files must be analyzed, you can safely trigger an alert on them.
    See sample configuration files on how to enable .scan file analysis logging.

    Changes and Enhancements:

    • Updated documentation
    • Data model cleanup
    • Updates to used 3rd party components
    • Stability updates

    Update Instructions:

    • If not on OctoSAM 1.8.12, migrate to 1.8.12 first and perform a full housekeeping cycle. The data model cleanup in 1.8.14 requires that all housekeeping tasks from 1.8.12 have at least run once on the database before updating. Migrate to schema version 1.8.15 via 1.8.14 (note that 1.8.13 was not released).
    • Deploy the new Version of Octosocan2.exe to your environment
      .scan files are compatible with versions 1.8.6 or newer of the import Service
      Consider new setting ScanProductKeys to disable the product key scan. Default is enabled.
    • Stop OctoSAM services on the server
    • Make a backup copy of the database
    • Run script 'check_and_clean_before_migrate_1814.sql
    • Run database migration script(s) from If coming from 1.8.12, run migrate_1812_1814.sql and migrate_1814_1815.sql
    • Run the .msi Installer
      No changes to configuration files are needed if you are upgrading from 1.8.12.
    • Update the software catalog from latest master file.
    • Restart OctoSAM services
    • Update the VMWare vCenter scanner if in use (
    • Update the AD Group scanner if in use (

    Known Limitations (will be fixed in further releases):

    • FlexLM Diag scan supports only first configured vendor daemon, expiry date and other data scanned from diag is not available for other vendor daemons on the same FlexLM Server.
    • Currently, the database does not allow more than 32767 issued licenses per server. Counts greater than that value will get truncated.
    • Group Settings Published Software Packages: Changes to the published Software Packages are immediately written to the database, cancel out of the dialog is ignored.

    OctoSAM 1.8.12 is available for download in the filebase.

    New Features:

    Active Directory Group Scanner
    Allows scanning of security groups from Active Directory. Primary intent is to consolidate Information about access permissions for published applications (for example Citrix).

    VMWare vSphere vCenter Scanner
    The vCenter scanner gathers Information about virtual machines and ESX hosts.

    Master Software Catalog
    Software Package Signature Auto Assign can now specify if the pattern matches metering Information

    Detailed detection of SQL Server variants also as Software SIgnatures

    OctoSAM Inventory GUI
    New windows and dialogs to inspect and manage the new objects introduced by the VMWare and group scans. Many usability improvements.

    Changes and Enhancements:

    • Updates to used 3rd Party components
    • Stability Updates
    • Updated Documentation

    Update Instructions:

    • Deploy the new Version of Octosocan2.exe to your Environment
      .scan files are compatible with versions 1.8.6 or newer of the import Service
      no changes to octoscan.config in this release
    • Stop OctoSAM services on the server
    • Make a backup copy of the database
    • Run database migration script(s) from
    • Run the .msi Installer
      No changes to configuration files are needed if you are upgrading from 1.8.11. From earlier versions take the new configuration files from SampleConfigurationFiles and work from there
    • Update the software catalog from latest master file.
    • Restart OctoSAM services
    • Optionally configure the VMWare vCenter scanner (
    • Optionally configure the AD Group scanner (

    Known Limitations (will be fixed in further releases):

    • FlexLM Diag scan supports only first configured vendor daemon, expiry date and other data scanned from diag is not available for other vendor daemons on the same FlexLM Server.
    • Group Settings Published Software Packages: Changes to the published Software Packages are immediately written to the database, cancel out of the dialog is ignored.
    • Adobe SWID tag files my be left on disc even if the software gets uninstalled, OctoSAM currently counts packages as installed if they contain a swid signature that is found on disc. This may lead to wrong installation counts.

    Release Candidate 1 of OctoSAM 1.8.11 is available for download in the filebase.

    Release Notes:


    • 2 additional SMBIOS fields in machine Object get populated from WMI, for direct query and selection of machines based on SMBIOS information
    • Machine report now includes first detected monitor manufacturer and serial number information for Windows 8 / 8.1 and later systems

    Master Software Catalog

    • Software Package Signature Auto Assign can now specify if the pattern matches metering Information


    • Significant performance improvement of process scanning (Metering) especially on (Citrix/Terminal) servers
    • New command-line option /restore to show the status window of an already running scanner
    • New command-line option /keep to keep the window visible even if the scanner would exit under normal configuration
    • New menu command 'Hide Window'
    • Improved status window messages
    • New local registry settings utility to override global scanner settings on individual machines for debugging
    • Removed deprecated SkipUser and SkipMachine configuration settings
    • Detect Windows 10 pre-release
    • Detect Windows 8.0/8.1 with Media Center

    License Manager Server Observer

    • Support Wolfram Mathematica license server (usage only, detailed user statistics planned for next release)
      Contact us for instructions on how to integrate Wolfram license server

    Updates to used 3rd Party components

    Stability Updates

    Updated Documentation

    Update Instructions

    • Deploy the new Version of Octosocan2.exe to your Environment
      .scan files are compatible with versions 1.8.6-1.8.10 of the import service
    • Stop OctoSAM services on the server
    • Make a backup copy of the database
    • Run database migration script(s) from
    • Run the .msi Installer
      Check OctopusImportService.exe.config for spelling error on parameter ArchiveRetentionDays.
      No changes to other configuration files are needed if you are upgrading from 1.8.10. From earlier Versions take the new configuration files from SampleConfigurationFiles and work from there
    • Update the software catalog from latest master file. This is needed in all situations as the 1.8.11 catalog synchronization is different from earlier versions.
    • Restart OctoSAM services